donderdag 6 augustus 2009

New Album Info and Tour Dates

This e-mail was sent by Island Records HQ with a message from Jon himself:

"Dear Friends of mine -

Well, I have been at home for the past few months doing a ton of writing for another record and it has been a really, really, really great time. Good to just get off the road for a bit and live a somewhat normal existence for a second. And I promise I'm working hard to get these songs written and recorded and out for your gentle judgment/enjoyment ASAP.

In the mean time though I have some shows coming up that I wanted to make sure all knew about - here is the list...

August 13th - Indiana State Fair - Indianapolis IN
August 15th - Parkview Field - Ft. Wayne IN
August 29th - Augustana College Centennial Hall - Rock Island IL
September 4th - Southeastern Church - Louisville KY
September 11th - Wake Forrest U. Manchester Plaza - Winston-Salem NC

So there you go! New songs will be played and therefore heard so hopefully you all can make it out - Hope the summer's going great!

-j- "

For more info on the tour dates, check his myspace. :)

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